The NFU have been banned from running an advert about the number of animals being slaughtered due to TB.
The Badger Trust and the Vegetarians International Voice for Animals complained about the advert which shows a cow lying dead on the floor.
The Advertising Standards Authority have said that the advert can't be run again as it looks now.
It seems strange to me, considering this advert is (other than raising awareness) targeted at farmers to make them vaccinate, and clearly has the shock factor, that the very people complaining about the advert are the people who would prefer that farmers chose to vaccinate rather than insist on a badger cull.
What is wrong with shocking the public? This advert featured in The Times, regional press and The Farmers Weekly last year. If it has made the the joe public realise what a serious problem TB is and how it affects farmers and their families, and persuaded farmers to vaccinate, then surely this advert can only be a good thing?
The advert also doesn't directly imply that badgers are soley responsible for the spread of TB.
Image Coutesy of Sunfox on Flickr
'The advert also doesn't directly imply that badgers are soley responsible for the spread of TB.'? - didnt it say “In 2007, 28,000 cattle were lost to TB. This year that figure will be closer to 40,000 unless action is taken to eradicate TB from infected badgers …” ?